Monday, June 20, 2011

An End. But a Beginning.

Reflecting on the title. This is the end. But its also a beginning of my new blog Summer Forever!! So I want to thank everyone who read, followed, and commented on this blog. I've met so many friends here and I hope that you still have at least a remnant of hope for me after being AWOL for months. But I finally did something about it. I'm really looking forward to this blog and I think I will do well.

Thanks for the good times and bad,


  1. Can't wait to check out you're new blog!! I'm going right now!!

  2. Can't wait for the new blog. Blogger is glitching so I have to leave an anonymous comment...

    LLAP Love

  3. I'll follow your new one, of course!


Spice up my day and leave a comment!!
Always feel free to comment but please do not say things you wouldnt want said to you(golden rule).

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