Friday, April 22, 2011

I need help.

Okay I need some help from you gals (or guys?) Someone just reminded me that our end of the year scrapbook is due in 3 weeks!! And I haven't even gotten a scrapbook or even finished all of my entries. But I was wondering if you could help me find 'a timeless quotation as my motto-either as a summarization of my year, a description of myself, or a projection for my future.' I don't know, is it too personal? Well what I'm really asking is if any of you can find a timeless quote that tells like a general girls 14 years or a graduation. Please, I don't care if its not good or whatever. Maybe even some of you if you know any good scrap booking places if you could tell me.

Thanks so much!!

P.S. I did make that new blog by the way. I haven't posted anything yet, because I'm still tweaking with the backgrounds and gadgets. Here it is, Simplicity.


  1. "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times..."
    -A Tale Of Two Cities

    "Let the good times roll."

    "You are a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day."
    -Dr. House

    My personal favorite that I used for a project was:
    "Legends live forever, heros don't."

    Sorry, Love, that was the best I could do. Hope I helped. :)

  2. I just wanted to let you know that you are wonderful. Truly wonderful. Your comment on my blog made me smile and feel so much better. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it :)

    I hope you had a lovely Easter!

  3. Hope you found some good quotes to work on for your scrap book. ♥

    The Cat Hag


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