Thursday, July 15, 2010


Hello everyone now i am truly inspired. After spending most of the day with my mom around town, I came back here to google. and asked around on lisi's blog (thanks soo much Hannah!!) and i figured out to post pictures so now im soo excited!!
 Okay soo here are some of my favorite pictures soo far..
Now isn't that adorable it reminds me of like a disney movie or like a trip to disney commercial
i think i would call that "dreaming"

Aww.. I've always wanted a tree house lke that but that one is practically a house wow!!
 construction these days. haha

that quote is soo true and honest
Soo how's everyone's summer going? I could tell you that my summer is fantastic and i've been hanging out with friends..... but i'd be lying

Okay forget completely that last sentence I want to keep positive!!

Any ideas?


  1. Loved all of those pictures, but I couldn't really read that quote. My summers pretty boring so far, but theres nothing I can do about that is there? Hope yours gets better =) Lots of endless love <3

  2. Great blog! Thanks for following; I'm following you too! :)


Spice up my day and leave a comment!!
Always feel free to comment but please do not say things you wouldnt want said to you(golden rule).

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