Well I finally finished.
I took awhile.[yawn]
And I am officially done with one application.
That leaves two or three left to do. Oh joy.
Well on Friday my sister got braces. haha So this means I have been chewing gum since then and she cant have any of it. Okay that was mean. But she cant, right?
Then I had to go to bingo with my other sister Michaela and let me tell you she loves old people and she was not bored! I was shocked. I mean how can you sell raffle tickets for an 8th grade trip, your not even going on for two hours straight.[ she goes to a different school]
Then I went to a b-ball game.My friend Emily and of course her and her friends like a bunch of boys in my class. Tehe only word/thought I could say/think is ew! I'm sorry but I've known then since kindergarten. Enough Said.
On Saturday
I didnt do much of anything. I just put up the tree.
And read.
I wrote my paragraph thing for applications. One word: Stressful.
Then cheerleading practice: went through dance, went through routine for pep rally tomorrow, and stunted(i got one nice scratch from basing on my arm.)
And tomorrow
Driving a classmate to school. Ugh He's obnoxious.too obnoxious. personally I dont know how his ego is going to fit in my car. haha
Pep rally!
Maybe going to my sisters game and then staying 4 hours or so until cheerleading.