Monday, July 12, 2010


Okay before you read this post and see how bad it is I would like to warn you and say im sorry but i have to tell someone.

Okay I'm sad because I have no friends. Well i do but most of them are biotches. because i have 2 best friends and one of my friends takes the other camping for eight days. and then she comes back and i offer them to go out and do something this week and the say maybe (he usually says sure or okay yay or something like that so i knew something was up)but then the next day she posts as her status "oh today so and so hung out at so and so's house and then tomorrow going to the mall with so and so then the movies with so and so and sleepover
none of which the so and so are me or my sister and the other soand sos who arent my two best friends are people they usually complain about

So will you be my friend?


  1. Yes Shannon I will be your friend =) And I know how you feel. My best friend hangs out with these girls all the time and I was always left out. So I told her how I feel and so she began to hang out with me more. I think you should do the same thing, because if they were your true friend they wouldn't be doing this to you. Hope things work out =) Lots of endless love <3

  2. Hey, we've got something in common: I don't have many friends either. Like, I more than usually just hang around in a group of three.
    I'll love to be your friend, you seem really cool. :D


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