Friday, November 5, 2010

His eyes

He's in front of me
He looks back toward me
But ever so casually
He doesn't look at me directly
But I look at him
He has deep gray eyes
Like the color of the sky in late afternoon
It's like they can't choose 
When I don't glance at him directly 
It looks like he's staring right through me
My breath quickens and heart beats faster
But as fast as it started 
It ends.
[Its like he can see right through me, but does he know hes the only one for me?]



  1. Wow, that was so amazingly true!!!! That's such a great emotion to write a poem about!!! I never thought of it that way!! That was the best poem I have read in a long time!!! You are such a great writer!!!
    Write more poems!! Please!! That was so good!!!
    --- Jen

  2. i feel the same way. it's frustrating, huh?

  3. thank you so much that made my day.
    Jade- Yes, very!


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